With 15 rises at 7 3/16" and 10" treads with a 48" deep landing at the turn I come up with a total length of approximately 9' 10" with a width approx 8' The specifics of your staircase design will dictate the exact measurement, but that ought to get you close enough for a design concept drawing Sort by Oldest6/15/17 · Hello, I am working on a design of a 2story home that is a Timber Frame It's a fairly simple design with 4 bents and one central bay I am trying to ensure that I space the center bay wide enough for a set of stairs I intend to keep the stair tread width at 36" and have aDivide the rise of the stairs by the height of the risers, the vertical backs of the steps The maximum permitted height of a riser is usually 8 1/4 inches, so divide the total rise of the stairs by 8 1/4, and round up to the next whole number The result is the number of risers required
Half Turn Switchback U Shaped Stairs Dimensions Drawings Dimensions Com